Research. Strategies.
Science has identified reasons for these problems. Working with cognitive scientists in her classroom for fifteen years, Bain developed teaching strategies based on their science. Best of all, these strategies don’t add to a teacher’s workload, but will streamline what you are already doing. In her engaging and interactive Powerful Teaching workshops, Bain unlocks the research and shares her evidence-based strategies.
In Powerful Teaching Workshops, educators will learn:
How to apply the teaching strategies of Retrieval, Spacing, Interleaving and Feedback-driven Metacognition
How cognitive load, working memory, and desirable difficulties play a role in learning
How simple changes in their classrooms will increase retention of content
How to open the toolbox Bain provides, and use new strategies the day after after the workshop
Book Studies:
Educators meet regularly with Patrice Bain for help and ideas in implementing strategies from the book, with hints from her own experience and stories
1:1 with District/Admins
Work directly with Patrice Bain to devise a professional development tailored to your district
Past Workshops/Keynotes:

CTTL: Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, Potomac, MD

Appoquinimink School District, DE

Federal Reserve Bank: Professors Conference, AP Econ Educators Conference, Powerful Teaching in the Econ Classroom, St. Louis, MO

Teach to Lead, Illinois

Illinois Reading Council

Wolf Branch School District, St. Clair Regional Office of Education, IL

The Brearley School, New York

Park Tudor School, Indianapolis

St. Ignatius College Preparatory, San Francisco

ResearchED US

Illinois State Teacher of the Year Meetings

Carl Sandburg High School, Chicago

ConnectED Learning, St. Louis

St. Vrain Valley School District, CO

National Network of State Teachers of the Year, National Conference

Northwest Association of Independent Schools

St. Louis Schools

REL Mid-Atlantic: PA, MD, DE

Midwest Education Technology Conference